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Ranks and Descriptions



Ruffian - These are the dwellers of the Night Market, the starting point for all of the Black Edge's members. They're untrusted. and not seen as anything more than rabble. In order to become more, Ruffians are required to express their intentions to a Councilor, who will send them on a task to prove their worth.

Charlatan - The esteemed stand owners of the Night Market. They're technically just above a  Ruffian, but have a special role for notice rights.

Brigand - The brand new members that have successfully proven their use and are beginning to make a name for themselves. Think of this as the adjustment period to Black Edge Life. You're still pretty low on the food chain, but not as much as you once were.

Miscreant - You've been with the Edge for a while now and that's been acknowledged. Your capabilities are known by a few of the important people, enough to maybe cut you some slack once and a while. You've gotten the hang of The Black Edge's game.

Firebrand - Your name carries some weight within the Edge and the surface above by now. You're pretty high up on the food chain and have crafted a name for yourself. It wouldn't be wise to mess with someone like you.

Malefactor - These are the highly valued criminals of the guild, revered for their skill, worth, and and contribution to the guild. Malefactors are under none but the Councilors and the Tyrant. They are also seen as potential candidates for The Council.

Councilor -  The baddest of the bad. You're spoken of in whispers of fear for your notoriously dark deeds.. Councilors are the driving force behind the The Black Edge and only answer to the Tyrant themselves. You've climbed the ladder, and will forever be known in history because of it. Councilors are hand-picked by the Tyrant.

Tyrant -  He or she who controls the Edge and sits at the head of the council. It cant be promised you'll ever be seen again if you cross them. The Tyrant is one in charge, with none having a higher authority.

Ranking Up

These are simply examples of things you can do to rank up within the Edge. Special orders will be handed down as well, but do not be afraid to think outside the box. Basically as long as you're doing something that benefits the guild, it can count towards your rank! Three tasks should be completed for each rank (with the exception of a Ruffian wanting to become a Brigand. Then it's a single task)  and you may rank once a month. To submit your activities, simply send a roleplay log to the Tyrant or any of the Councilors.

A few ideas:

- Obtain a large sum of money or an object of value and bring it to a Councilor.
- Collect and share valuable information.
- Commit a crime and get caught, stay the alloted time in jail and do not break your loyalty to the Edge, return unbroken.
- Contribute to a Black Edge event (Night Market, etc..)
- Complete a special job assigned by a Councilor or the Tyrant
- Abduct an Edge enemy (requires approval from a Councilor or the Tyrant)

Ranking Down

If you break the laws of The Black Edge or harm it any way, whether it be through wealth, security, or trade, you will be called to stand in front of the Councilors who will decide if they want to knock you down a rank or not.


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