Dragon Ranks
Daar/Daariv (King/Queen) Currently: Thurkearan (ebonaku.dragovar)
The ruler of Lokanhiim, their word is law. They have proven to be the most wisest and are usually the most ancient among the Wing. They are great fonts of knowledge and wield powerful strength.
Fruljun (Regent) Currently: Rakant (wrypatrick)
He or she protects the Daar(iv) and oversees the warriors and mages in their training, as well as operating as a right-hand aide.
The warrior caste, both melee and ranged. They are tasked with the protection of kin & kith, the island, its riches and its secrets.
With their long lives and love of knowledge, many dragons take innately to magic, often favoring the one of their own breath element. This is usually elemental, particularly with the similar nature of the crystals found in Lokanhiim itself bolstering this class of magic.
The healing artists of Lokanhiim; some of the kin are called not to battle but to help others. Many have a magical aptitude toward healing such as druidism while others carry the vast knowledge of natural remedies and procedures.
The kindred, dragon and other accepted residents, the title given to all who occupy the citadel.