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The Laws of Sylthane



1. The Monarch holds the final word on all matters of the Kingdom.



2.  If a rivalry amongst the shoal reaches a degree where it would affect others, a duel will be arranged

between the two to settle the dispute.



3. All materials, be them food or other supplies, are to be shared and given evenly around the shoal.



4. It is forbidden to steal from the shoal's fortune, it is to be kept by the Monarch and given to its people.



For the trespassing of these laws, there will be an accusation and a trial, the sentence depending on the degree of the crime. In case of murder or treason, in case the accused does not flee, he or she shall be sentenced with death, and if not that, expulsion from the shoal or imprisonment for a certain period of time.


5. All complaints or concerns of the citizens of Sylthane made to the Monarch will be kept confidential.



6. Should a citizen of Sylthane destroys or steals another mers property they must replace it with another of equal value or higher. 



7. All laws are subject to change and be update by the Monarch at any time.


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